selecting the best fabric

Choosing fabrics for your home which are both super stylish and practical is where the knowledge and experience of your interior designer comes into its own.  

It’s not just a matter of selecting the best looking fabric - although we think this is extremely important!  To achieve long-lasting and practical results, we take other factors into careful consideration.  

“Fabrics all age and wear differently and in some instances a poorly selected fabric will show signs of early aging; in the same way that stress and unhealthy lifestyle can age us prematurely.” James Dunlop

These are three main considerations that are top of mind for designers when selecting an upholstery fabric:


Kids. Grandkids. Pets. Pinot loving.  These are all big considerations in selecting the right fabrics!  

Silks, cotton, linen and viscose each have their own unique personality in the way they age and wear and are more susceptible to fading, seam slippage and staining.  They are beautiful in the right setting, but a greater level of care is required. A more durable long term option are man made fibres, like polyesters and acrylics, or a blend of different fibres.



And we always consider cleanability.  How hard is the fabric to clean?  Can I spot clean the fabric myself?  Or do I always have to get the professionals in? Luckily many fabrics now have stain repellant finishes which allow any spills or stains to be dealt with much more easily.  And remember to regularly vacuum your furniture - just like your carpet - so the dust doesn’t settle and your fabric stays looking its best. 


Resistance to our sun 

In general, synthetic or man-made fibres tend to outperform natural fibres when it comes to resisting fading.  We are all aware that our extreme UV light is damaging to our skin - it’s also damaging to our fabrics, especially with our love for indoor-outdoor living with an abundance of north facing, oversized glass windows.  At KFD Interiors, we are increasingly using high performance fabrics, designed for outdoor use, in spaces attracting full sun.  The handle of these fabrics is beautiful and the performance of them is outstanding.


Contact Auckland Interior Designer Kirsten Ford for more information.

Images: Chanelle Dickinson Photography

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